Wendy Lodwick Lowdon

How to encapsulate a life?
Mine is mostly found in this huge pile of paper, taller than me, of journals, poems, reviews, essays, short stories, letters and several almost complete novels.
Now, as teaching commitments have been reduced to a trickle, I have had the time to mine and shape my writings so they are stronger, sharper and finished.
My work is influenced by my experiences as an outback kid in Australia: jeeps, tents, artesian water, red dirt, pressed flowers, rock collections, insects and dogs; and by city life in Canberra, Sydney and Singapore: water, swimming, libraries, peers, dogs and crowds.
My work has been fed by degree studies in English and History at Canberra and Birmingham, by the years of teaching, by the support of my family, by musing walks with dogs, by travel and by book groups.
More recently my work has benefitted from the guidance and discipline provided by the Oswestry Writing Group and Leafbyleaf Press.